The starch white of linen, the red of valentines , and a romantic lunch together; all you need now are the right tea towels! We’ve got a thing, that we call tea towel love!

Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
To lovely to dry the dishes with ;-)
i love the retro design by spinspin!
These are so perfectly lovely they belong behind glass and displayed on the walls!
I just happen to love tea towels - they're such an easy inexpensive way to give your kitchen spunk. I can't wait to check these out on etsy.
Her var det mye fint!
Rosa skap - artig!
SÃ¥ mange fine effekter og trykk, utrolig bra!
Ha en fin ny uke!
Klem fra det hvite ♥
I do love the tea towel and am LOVING this most excellent round up! Thank you for sharing...off to have a look-see at that "egg sausage bacon" towel...
The menu towel is awesome! - as well as the mid-century strands of blobs! ...co-ordinating colors give you a good excuse for buying what would otherwise be mis-matched, ey? i like where your head's at. :)
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