weekend extra: gift ideas from 1969

A digital archive clip from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (1969), with host Adrienne Clarkson where the Canadian Toy Testing Council recommends that year's gifts for children. From Spirograph to something called Playplax. Click here to view.

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

ak! my mom had that spirograph when she was little & gave it to me! it's so awesome.

Maia said...

Oh, how I loved my spirograph. There were also these awesome trace templates where you could combine hip'70s fashions on "models". It was like a trace template version of paper dolls. I had it in 3rd grade. It was awesome, but I don't know what it was called.

Kim Vallee said...

I recalled the fun I got with my Spirograph. We used different pen colors to create amazing patterns. I also enjoyed sculpting with Plasticine. Thanks for bringing back nice memories.

lisa solomon said...

i HAVE that spirograph. in that box :)


So -THAT'S- where my allotment of creativity went :) Glad to see it's being put to

good use! No, seriously, everything you've posted is just adorable - keep it up!