I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying these super awesome illustrations by Kate Bingaman-Burt for the Readymade Magazine's "Gift Guide" (December 2008/January 2009 issue.) Amazing eye candy. And since it's that time of giving if you enjoy her wares as much as we do here at Poppytalk, she's got some sweet zines and daily drawings for sale at her etsy shop, kateconsumption.etsy.com. Keep an eye out for a book on Kate's daily drawings (along with several credit card statement drawings) from Princeton Architectural Press coming out in March of 2010!
As a thought - if you're in a rush with holiday shopping - and you know someone who loves hand lettering and illustration like Kate's - an awesome, awesome package is her "entire year subscription" (12 issues) for $48.00! !

thanks thanks thanks so much for the post!!!
wooooo kate!!!
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