We've been enjoying the latest "holiday decorated" images from The Art of Display flickr group and were especially "wowed" by this stunning version of a Christmas Tree by Jane of All the Luck in the World out of the Netherlands. Made with objects she's collected over the years, we think we're ditching the real tree next year! This image made the cover of our newsletter this week, which is on it's way this morning (in case some of you had wondered!
The Art of the Display flickr group
WOOOOW! This is simply amazing! Such a beautiful idea and you never get tired of looking at all the small objects, trying to figure out what they are...
that display is terrific!
amazing talented people in the world!
OMG! That is amazing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for opening my eyes to this group. I'm absolutely besotted with 85% of the posters in it.
gorgeous. what a great idea.
Yes, and I love that chair too!
That tree is my new favorite holiday idea! How perfect!
Wow!! This is incredible!! What a great take on the traditional tree.
I love that idea for a tree!
this is so great! looks fantastic on the newsletter too :)
I will start collecting stuff to make one next year!
This is just so beautiful! I've always been a fan of walled christmas trees and this is just my no.1 favorite!
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