chalkboard china

chalkboardchinaWe thought these chalkboard china pieces were kind of fun when they popped into our email box. Slate covered vases, charger plates, juice dispensers, and wine glasses can be personalized with endless creative possibilities using chalk. Easy care, just wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Jan Halvarson


Kierstin Bridger said...

I am soo re-thinking my christmas wrap for this year....I could coat the boxes with chalkboard paint or paper for the gift card spot....hmmmmthanks for the inspiration...

Taylor said...

The vase is genius! So many uses any time of the year for any occasion!

Anonymous said... just purchased a set of these! you can erase your name after each use, using a grease marker.

Anonymous said...

wine charms are totally 2007, love the wine glasses

Unknown said...

oh yes love all that chalk.

Prêt à Voyager said...

Very clever!
