I WAS going to chat all day about how AWESOME Frank Chimero is, but i think i better not. He's getting way too good for his own benefit. Let's leave him to his Webless Wednesday.
While Frank is quietly make make making...let's check out the work by this fantastic illustrator from the Netherlands named Merijn Hos (Bfree). I was fortunate to have ffffound his work yesterday and was immediately captivated! It's so playful, charming, and brightly colored. His approach to characters and the figure happily reminds me of Steven Harrington and Matteo Gualandris. Take a peak at some more of Merijn's work below!

Special guest post by Will Bryant
flickr: photo blog
store: willbryant.etsy.com
I just discovered Will Bryant myself!! I LOVE his work :)
Congrats on the guest post Will! Love your work!
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