Clipping Mask Tutorial

Today I'm going off a bit of the beaten path and offering a wee tutorial on making a clipping mask in Adobe's Illustrator CS3. It's one of those things I always wanted to know before I knew how, and the fact that it's so easy, I thought I'd share it here. I made a cover for last week's newsletter using a clipping mask, and so I'm using that as the example. Thanks to Dallas Shaw for the use of her image (of her beautiful new vintage key series) and to for (Bleeding Cowboys) courtesy of I may not do it the correct way, but this is the way I do it. Here it goes:

1. Open a new document to the size specs you need. Place the image you wish to use onto your document.


Jan Halvarson


Christina @ Pardon My Vintage said...

Wow, thanks for posting this! I've been struggling with Illustrator after years of working on Freehand, so info like this is really useful.

katebingburt said...

this is a great tutorial AND a common, frustrating question for people learning illustrator.

right on!

Jan Halvarson said...

christina - so glad!
kateconsumption - so cool coming from you!

Mchilly said...

Nice work, great!

lisa solomon said...

of course it's the correct way - anyway you can do it is the RIGHT way!

great tutorial