The Art of the Display: Cucciobaby


This lovely pick from The Art of the Display today comes from Ciucciobaby's photostream. Beautiful greens against the taupe (I haven't seen that color for a while, but it gets updated by these bright vibrant colors). And the paper whites tell me it's time to plant some soon! And if you can check out Ciucciobaby's sweet quilts!

Jan Halvarson


this humble abode said...

I've been trying for months (years!) to convince my wife that it's time to re-paint the kitchen. When she read the blog this morning she admitted that when a design blogger says she hasn't "seen that color for a while", it's seriously time to update. So thanks! I'll post when the painting is finished.
Thanks too for putting me up on your amazing blog.

Emily Kate said...

What type of plant is that? It's really neat looking.

Jan Halvarson said...

Those are called paper whites. They are bulbs that you plant and a few weeks later they pop up.

Laney Loo said...

Dear Poppy,

Where did you get that metal tub for your paperwhites?

-Laney Loo