Artist Name: Lisa Solomon
Shop Name and Url: Underdog Ink + there's a shop
page on my website that leads to things www.lisasolomon.com/shop.html
Website: www.lisasolomon.com
City: Oakland, California

Where in your home/apartment is your studio located?
My studio is actually located 5 minutes from my house in a warehouse building. I share it with three other incredibly talented artists/makers and so just being there is inspiring. Oddly enough all of us are rarely there at the same time. Christina who runs Article Pract - a great local yarn store - (articlepract.com), Christopher Faiss who designs amazing furniture
and installs art for folks - (christopherfaiss.com), and Mel Adamson - (meladamson.com) - a painter.

What equipment/tools do you use?
Where to start? These days I'm doing drawings/paintings on Duralar with acrylic, watercolor, gouache, colored pencil and thread [gutterman is my favorite]. I'd say all my work has an element that is rooted in the domestic i.e. sewing, embroidery, crochet, pinning....
I have a thing for tools - if I can think of a reason to buy/use a tool I will. I also
have a thing for sewing machines [I own 6], vintage sewing supplies and patterns, colorful knitting needles....

Do you have an inspiration board, and can you tell us what is inspiring you now?
I don't have an official inspiration board - I pin things up on my walls as I find them - or need them.

What's inspiring me now?
The change of light as the seasons shift, this amazing japanese book on color that my friend aida gamez gave me [aidagamez.com], being able to wear sandals, I'm researching pigments right now so I'm really into this book Color by Victoria Finlay, I also just finished reading An Accidental Masterpiece - on the art of living life and visa versa by Michael Kimmelman that has really impacted me....
Update: Editors Note: Lisa has a show from studying those pigments she mentioned in this interview back in April which is on now called, Pigmentary Portraits at the Artstream Gallery in Rochester, New Hampshire with Lisa Congdon.)

How do you create best (e.g. do you listen to music while you create and if so what?)
I regularly listen to NPR [npr.org]- especially if I just want background filler noise. I also have a thing for listening to This American Life [thislife.org]. Often I try to wait until I have 3-4 episodes to listen to back to back.
Music is also big and varies with what I'm working on. You can see a recent playlist of mine on flickr here.

List (3) of your favorite artists:
This is really hard for me because there are so many for so many reasons. I'll stick to 3 artists whose first names begin with A.
Amy Cutler
Anne Hamilton
Anne Wilson
Are you working on anything new and if so, can we have a sneak peek?

I'm working on a new felt tank installation for an upcoming show at Walter Maciel Gallery with Jil Weinstock and Freddy Chandra.
Editors Note Update: That show is on now called Pattern reDefined (28 June to 16 August/08).
I'm trying to change the configuration - so something a bit smaller - and something that will directly engage with the doily drawings of mine that will also be on display.
(editors note: Lisa has done tank installations of felt tanks creating patterns).

If yours isn't, what would be your perfect studio?
I am hoping that I can move my studio into my backyard sometime in the near future. What I dream about is a big open space w/ a bank of warehouse windows and some big fluffy chairs - but I can't have that in my yard, so.... I'd be really happy with something that has plenty of wall space and some HIDDEN storage.
I can't wait to be able to peek out at my garden while I'm working. That will be so nice!
Thank you Lisa!
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