blackboard mania

We are going a little blackboard crazy here and were thrilled to find so many people making them lately. Here's a few that have caught our eye from vintage to new but made to look vintage, they're just popping up everywhere!

revamp boutique


Jan Halvarson


limonada said...

I love black boards, amazing finds!!


Fiona Cartolina said...

I love the top one - you often see orphaned or mismatched dresser mirrors at flea markets - this would be a great use for them.

orange you lucky! said...

Blackboards are sosoo awesome! I have 4 in my house, and they get used all the time:)

krista said...

I love the ones from revamp boutique, I love everything they have for the home!

porter hovey said...

Love these! It's such a cute idea for back to school!!

lisa solomon said...

yup gotta love the chalkboards

Anonymous said...

oh my! i love these... especially those white trimmed framed up ones... we're about to move into a new place and i can't wait to bust out the chalkboard paint again!