vote for a canadian!

OK, this is a little country biased but because it's Canada Day and even though there's a few faves over at Fred Flare's Next Big Thing (finalist list), the ONLY Canadian that we're 99% sure of is, Colleen Baran! Her piece is her Framework series ring, "Reminiscent of an engagement ring that captures the beauty of negative space". She's also a Poppytalk Handmade participant. And we are urging you to vote Canadian! (Also because her work is very beautiful!). Click here to vote! (It says voting starts July 2, but it looks like it's already working)!

Jan Halvarson


Suzanne said...

Love it! My Canadian vote is now cast :)

ColleenBaran said...

Thanks so much Jan!

& Thanks Suzanne!!!! Votes make me happy!