something special: la pomme (A European Tour)

1popOne of our participants this month at PHM is Apol from La Pomme. And today she's sharing a few photos from her part of world in the south of France. (Dream, dream, dream). Being surrounded by such beauty we can now understand how it reflects in her work. You can check out Apol's two Etsy shops: La Pomme and La Pomme Stories. Here's her tour.

They say that the South of France where I live is a lazy kind of place. Most probably true, judging from the kinds of things I like doing when I have some time free.

I like looking at old walls.


As well as staring at old stones.


Just because I’m naturally curious, I adore quaint little doors.


I’m attracted to windows as well (they’re much easier to peek through !).


Sightseeing can be tiring, so I rejuvenate with shopping. No giant malls to be found over here, fortunately. I go to the city center for the weekly market, to get delicious stuff like olives, teas, and soap.


Then off to a café for a glass or two of wine—the perfect way to end a perfectly lazy time.


La Pomme
La Pomme Stories
La Pomme Blog

Jan Halvarson


kate said...

Wow this place is too too beautiful. I want to live here!

Fiona Cartolina said...

Gorgeous photographs - what a beautiful place to call home! / caitlin said...

wow! i love it all but especially that first photo of the window boxes!

Apol said...

Hi! Yes, I am lucky to live in a beautiful place. Sometimes TOO slow, but the view is always great :) Thanks for this, Jan and Earl. Looks great!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thank you reminding me just how much i love and miss France...i feel like i just went on a mini vacation!I am an American whose artistic soul yearns for such places as your beautiful home.
thanks for the inspiration!:)

Kickcan & Conkers said...

I know this is an old post, but we recently realised that we live 10 minutes away from each other. I know her village well, it's beautiful, and we plan to meet for coffee and a chat soon. The south of France is wonderful, especially this area on the edge of the Camargue.
Nice photos.

Jan Halvarson said...

Oh how wonderful Deborah. I was just google walking tonight in the south of France. A friend we know will be there in a few days and I was just reminiscing.