Poppytalk Handmade featured on Daily Candy today!

A HUGE thank you to the folks over at Daily Candy, (Everywhere), for the mention of Poppytalk Handmade today! We are so thrilled!

Jan Halvarson


Julie said...

Congratulations!!! That's fantastic!

shanna murray said...

congrats, jan & earl!!!

Cindy said...

i just saw it in my inbox and headed right over to you! that is awesome! congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I also saw it and would love to get in and look around, but alas I don't have a user name and password. How does one register as a new user?

Melissa Lewis said...

Congrats. You deserve all the acclaim you can get!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I too would like to check it out, but I guess without a user name and password, one can't do so. There is no registration link or form to be found on the page...how can I register???????

Unknown said...

Yes, how do we register??

Sarah Lynn Knowles said...

oh congrats, that is fantastic & well-deserved. :)

Jan Halvarson said...

no need to register for a username or anything - just click away.

the site was receiving major hits this morning, so maybe that is why you thought you had to register - but you don't.

Aimee said...

Congratulations! Everything's so lovely!

Christiana said...

Congratulations! What wonderful things...

Kerry Pitt-Hart said...

how wonderful!

Reginia @NotSoModern said...

Awesome--Just wanted to say thanks to PoppyTalk as well as DailyCandy--Our site received an abundance of hits yesterday as well as numerous inquires. All noted they saw it on DailyCandy and PoppyTalk!!


Kelly Lynn Jones said...

thats so awesome! you totally deserve the great press!