phm studio spaces: natasha mileshina (bubbo)


Artist Name: Natasha Mileshina
City: Silver Spring, DC

Where in your home/apartment is your studio located?
Right in our bedroom, in 1BR apartment.


What equipment/tools do you use?
Paper, pencils, pens, iMac and green tea with honey

Do you have an inspiration board, and can you tell us what is inspiring you now?
We moved here recently, so whole my inspiration board in a folder right now. Now I am inspired by old books, travels and martha stewart magazines. New places inspire me a lot, that's why I love traveling. Especially to old Europe — a lot of wonderful things around and visible because you are new there. My favorite places are Switzerland and Netherlands, the places where I have an urge to do something. I always carry around my small camera – to take inspiring things with me. And I am dreaming of Japan.


How do you create best?
Under the pressure, I think — tomorrow deadlines, few projects happening all in one time, plus party the same night... That's for me :)

List (3) of your favorite artists:
Currently I am in love with those —
and stylist:

If yours isn't, what would be your perfect studio?
I would love to have studio with lots of storage space. And somewhere in Netherlands, please.


Jan Halvarson


Alyssa Zygmunt said...

Such a beautiful home!

I recognize that tea cup :)

natasha said...

Alyssa, ha-ha! Sure, you do! I love these so much!

Fiona Cartolina said...

Gorgeous notebooks - I want one, and if I'm not mistaken those are the wonderful labels from Martha.
Beautiful, really lovely photos too.

tata said...

как ты поживаещь?

Unknown said...

I'm in the Netherlands...wanna trade houses? ;)

natasha said...

annemarie, I do, I DO want to do it!! X)

lisa solomon said...

lovely space and home!

mm said...

hey there natasha, your work and living spaces are serene with so many interesting, personality-filled details! that an either/or sofa from urban outfitters? i've had my eye on the sofa in spite of negative reviews on apt. therapy, and mid-century modernist. if so, how's it working out for you? obviously, your beautiful cat approves ; )

natasha said...

Thank you very much for you nice words!

it IS either/or sofa from UO! and I love it so much,
we were waiting for it about 2 months. My first thought was =oh, it's definitely not soft= but then i've realized that it's much more comfortable then for me, and you can always put some pillows around, but won't sank in it. It's definitely not like huge puffy american sofas. the main pluses: it's convertible + affordable + beautiful+sturdy. I am very pleased (as well as the cat, you've got it :)) if you have any more questions — email me at bubbo.tubbo {a}

Amy said...

Your space is beautiful Natasha!

big hugs!

Anonymous said...

ahh, awesome! (just came across it)