International Design Blogs - Domino Magazine

the reveal

Domino Magazine (online) did a little online article on International Design Blogs and we're included. As you've probably noticed, we're sort of a "behind the scenes" kind of design blog where you don't see much of us (I'm one of those people who doesn't like seeing myself in pictures), but in case you were wondering, here we are (sort of). Thanks to Holly for rounding us up amongst an amazing international list!

Jan Halvarson


    kg + ab said...

    Congrats! And a very stealth way to prove you are actual people and not blogging robots...

    Julie said...

    So that's you! Kath and I don't like being in pictures either. Taking one of yourself always seems awkward.

    Congrats on being featured :)

    Fiona Cartolina said...

    Yay for you two!
    That's so exciting for you(and the rest of us too!)

    lisa solomon said...

    you are SO cute you should be more front and center, but i completely understand your hiding... xo

    congrats on the deserved PR btw

    patricia zapata said...

    Congratulations! Well deserved!

    TIG said...

    Such great news! Congratulations, Jan! {And thought the photo was great.}

    Unknown said...

    You both are the definition of cool! Congrats.

    Jan Halvarson said...

    Thank you everyone!

    ; )