handmade nation silent auction preview

handmade nation silent auction preview

A little preview of the goodies that will be for sale this weekend at the Handmade Nation Silent Auction fundraiser for Handmade Nation, the documentary about the Rise of D.I.Y. Art, Craft & Design. For those in the Los Angeles area it will be hosted by Poketo at 510 South Hewitt #5006 (fifth floor), Saturday, July 19th, 2008 (6-10pm). (above clockwise - Diem Chau, Will Bryant, Lisa Solomon, Lisa Congdon and Veronica De Jesus)

handmade nation silent auction preview(clockwise - Jill Bliss and Kate Bingaman-Burt)

Jan Halvarson


Will_Bryant said...

woow! thanks for the promotions
and for including my little ole piece :)

kristy said...

the colors of the rainbow are so beautiful.

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

The work in that auction boggles my mind, it's so well curated!

lisa solomon said...

big smile. thanks for promoing the auction jan

Faythe Levine said...

hi jan, as always thanks for the support with my projects!

x faythe

Jan Halvarson said...

Hey you guys, thanks all of you for taking the time to stop by and comment here! The auction looks amazing, I'm sure it will be a success!

katebingburt said...

yay! this is GREAT! Thanks jan!!!

Unknown said...

thanks jan! wish you could make it. we're hanging all the work tomorrow bright and early. the art boxes are sitting on our studio floor waiting to be hung. so exciting!