All Citizens, Bruno, Saskatchewan

In my Etsy travels today I passed by All Citizens out of Bruno, Saskatchewan. I was attracted by their little thumbnail (the zine they are selling online), which pulled me into this tiny rural town shop. I loved their header image (above) and after investigating further, found they had a site, and a real shop (All Citizens) in a real town (Bruno, Saskatchewan). And if you look further you will undrestand their name, which compliments the building they are next to, a Senior Citizen's center. The shop is owned by Serena McCarroll and Tyler Brett, fine artists formerly from Vancouver and ECIAD grads who decided to take advantage of the open spaces Saskatchewan had to offer and the affordable real estate. Reading some press on them I found out they bought this building that they turned into a cafe and retail space for other local artists and themselves for $6,500 (which also serves as their living quarters).


Jason McLean Zine Pack 1 for sale in their Etsy shop.
Bruno, Saskatchewan
Oh, and there's a nice Cherry Festival happening in Bruno this month.

Jan Halvarson


Wolfie and the Sneak said...

wow! sounds like they're living the dream! I'd love to have a little place like that some day. and I love why they named it "all citizens", too.

JTay said...

Yay Saskatchewan! (Go Riders!)

Sorry... couldn't help it. ;)

Kirsten said...
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Kirsten said...

They also had a great blog detailing their whole process of moving from Vancouver to Saskatchewan. It was so interesting, I read the whole thing in one night. It's still up, though they've finished posting to it.

I totally have a crush on them. Sigh.