Special Guest Post by Fiona Richards, Cartolina Cards

The Dominion Cafe.
I realized this morning when I parked my car round the back of Oso Negro that due to my precaffeinated state that I hadn't noticed that they had painted one of the 3 matching old houses that I park in front of most mornings - when did they do this and how did they choose that colour? Generally I like orange and it does look cheery, I guess I'll get used to it. It's bright though.
I'm not going to Oso this morning, I am going to the Dominion Cafe for a change. I have a soft spot for the Dominion Cafe because it used to be mine. Back when we got frustrated with the lack of coffee shops in Nelson we designed and built one ourselves. How fun - for a while, until I remembered that I am not a restauranteur, I am a graphic designer. Now there are lots of cafes in town to chose from and I can be a graphic designer in a different coffee shop every day of the week if I want!

Honey I'm Home
A few weeks ago our home decor shopping choices in Nelson went decidedly up-market. What a relief!
Honey I'm Home (mailto:info[at]honeyhome.ca) is the retail vision of owner Veronica Tompkins. Veronica moved to Nelson from Toronto where she worked for many years with the beautiful chain of Robin Kay stores (gorgeous Canadian home accessories and fashion). Her eclectic decorating style and good taste is bound to inspire us all to combine, as she does, antiques with bright modern accessories and earthy natural elements. It's a lovely place to shop.

One of the items at Honey I'm Home that really caught my(probably because it was in the gorgeous window display on top of a completely mirrored console table - be still my heart!) was a rock. Now you might think that this is an odd place to sell rocks but these rocks are felted. Produced by Ronel Jordaan these felted wonders must be seen to be believed and you must visit her website right now to see all the wonderful things being produced at her work shop in South Africa - rock on.

Ceramic Artist Aura Carney.
Lastly today I want to introduce you a ceramic artist that I am just loving, Aura Carney (mailto:auramay{at}shaw.ca) . I first saw Aura's work at Very Hush Hush in Herridge Lane and I was so taken by the illustrations. They are so honest and impulsive and delicate. I love the simples vessels and plates that she chooses for her drawings - especially the 2 long dishes with the shy swim suit girls on them
I asked Aura to tell me more about her work, she says, "I try to create pieces that evoke a romantic nostalgia while remaining contemporary. Most pieces are made from cone 6 porcelain and all pieces are hand drawn." She makes it all sound so simple! Aren't they wonderful?

Well I hope you enjoyed today's Nelson snap shot. I'm really enjoying blogging after all and it was so nice of poppytalk to ask me to guest blog this week, thanks Jan!
Tomorrow we are going to visit a local gallery and then we are going on a road trip - so grab your organic, pesticide-free, locally-grown soy snacks because it's a long drive to anywhere from here. See you tomorrow!
Special Guest Post by Fiona Richards, Cartolina Cards
Yay! I feel like I'm the first one to see your post this morning! :-) I like the orange house set against all the greenery. Very cheery!
Did you name the Dominion Cafe or did the new owners?
And, I love those long dishes with the little girls in swimsuits - those knobby knees are adorable. Another great post, Fiona!
I miss Nelson. I haven't been back in five years. My yearning seems to be growing with each of your posts. I can't wait for the day that I can bring my daughter with me to see KSA and learn about where she came from. Everything looks so much lovelier!
Fiona! Pay attention! I opened Poppytalk looking forward to another photo filled missive from Nelson and lo and behold there is the house my daughter lives in! Then I read the comment - the house has been that colour for at least two years since it is slightly less that two years ago she moved in.
Fiona...these posts are joyous and I have a serious crush on Nelson! It looks nothing short of magical and has been a highlight of the week! Lovely job you've done :)
ps- LOVE the "orange house"! :)
Julie - we did name the Dominion Cafe. We wanted a solid, colonial sounding name that suited the 1898 building(oldest building on Baker St)
uncle beefy - I always enjoy reading your comments on other blogs so I am thrilled to have you comment on "mine"....and so generously. Thanks it means a lot!
Hello Fiona,
I have been reading your blogs on Poppytalk this week about Nelson (loving them!). My husband and I have been wanting to get away on a vacation to a quiet lake location (ideally in July). Nelson sounds like the perfect place (I’ve only learned of it through you). We live in San Diego and each of us has been to Vancouver once (about 15+ years ago) and nowhere else in Canada. It’s very difficult, even with the internet, to decide where to go and to get a good feel for a place. You’ve given us a great feel for Nelson. I really just want to relax (& shop) in a quiet, beautiful place and I have been thinking somewhere in Canada would be ideal (also was looking into Lake Louise area, but that seems like it would be crowded / touristy). Do you have any suggestions of where to stay in or near Nelson or anywhere else (on short notice)? It looks like flying into Kelowna is the best bet? A small lakeside vacation rental would be ideal; or a small inn. I would appreciate any input you can offer. Thanks for your great blogs this week. I almost feel like I’m on vacation already…I can’t wait!
-Candace Sheets(I also emailed)
Hi Candace - Nelson is a nice place to visit and I am sure I can help you find what you need!
I agree with Candace, even with the internet, it is often ridiculously tough to decide where to travel and visit these days. But not after these posts Fiona! You've provided a colorful, insightful, local look at what seems to me to be a delightful destination. Any place that combines nature and art with such ease is definitely a place I;d want to visit!! Awesome guest posts!
Bride Design
skjhdflasjf! i love those ceramics!
Oh, Fiona!!! You've made me homesick...:-) I lived in Nelson for about a year when I was a little girl.(My dad was going to art school there.)I was absolutely captivated. Still today, memories of that year creep into my art, and poetry...Everytime I visit, it still feels like home.
Thanks for the lovely pictures...and stirring memories.
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