ma ma ma my verona


graffiti-painted (verona) armoire by london-based anna james who restores twentieth century furniture and then transforms them with her hand-painted designs using either dots, pinstripes, modern art or graffiti. (via moco loco).

Jan Halvarson


cake. said...

going through the tunnel into "Juliette's courtyard" in Verona was a truly magical experience for a 14 year old, this makes me want to go dig up my old pictures!

Fiona Cartolina said...

Wow - you have to have guts to do this. It's cool and it makes you question what is 'beautiful'. I like being thrown off balance by something like this. . . .thanks to you Jan !

cukie6 said...

That's awesome!

lisa said...

love this! it would also be fun to diy.

Connie said...

so awesome!

belvedere beads said...

what an amazing piece of furniture. thankyou, thankyou for the link!

Noshii said...

thats a great piece of furnish...i've never seen anythinf restored in that style! Great find...

AL said...

I want to like it because of the creativity, but I hate it. It makes me feel dirty, like a bathroom stall at the subway station. Would not want that feeling every time I saw this in my bedroom.

Rachel Ball said...

ok, thanks for getting My Sharona stuck in my head now, grrr. :)

Anonymous said...

this kicks serious ass!
I WANT one!

ColleenBaran said...

Yes, as Cake said, this immediately reminded me of photos I've seen of at Juliet's House in Verona- wonderful!

seen on flickr-

Jan Halvarson said...

it was great to read everyone's comments here, and different points of view. i love work that strikes conversation like this.