affordable art - groupings

this week i'm grouping more pieces together as sets. like last week i thought it would be interesting to choose items i like and experiment with them as a group versus pieces unmatched. this week i'm picking from participants at poppytalk handmade.

the hill by alicia bock. $35

kingdom spirits by sub-studio. $15

barrière by labokoff. $25

twins by brandi strickland. $150

jardins botaniques 1 by lily moon. $25

wall art panels, susy jack. $32

egret, rachel austin. $55

horses in trees, trace my face. $22

Jan Halvarson


Sharee said...

Hi! I just found your blog and gotta say I'm intrigued. I think I'm gonna have to link it and read it through ;) I think this art is wonderful and I love the groupings.

lisa solomon said...

you can group art for me anytime :D

Natasha said...

Oh my gosh, those tree stumps are so lovely. They are so incomplete and lonely and sad. I love the whole group.

dee said...

I like all of these so much, but I think the twins are my favorite. So pretty.