Artist Name: Jessica Gonacha
Shop Name and Url: http://www.jessgonacha.etsy.com
Website: www.jessgonacha.com
Blog: www.jessgonacha.blogspot.com (called Treasuring)
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 47
City: Atlanta, Georgia
Where in your home/apartment/city is your studio located?
My studio is in a spare bedroom of the apartment I share with my fiance. Although projects sometimes spill out into the rest of the house, too!
What equipment/tools do you use?
I use a variety of materials and tools: acrylic paint,india ink, paper, linoleum block printing, wood, oil paint, glitter, resin, and gocco.

Do you have an inspiration board, and can you tell us
what is inspiring you now?
Yes, I have an inspiration board, and I tend to just put new things up over the old things as I'm inspired by new images. Right now I'm inspired by illustrators that work in a child-like style, portraits, the colors of spring in Atlanta, printing on fabric, Lotta Jansdotter, and old memories.
How do you create best (e.g. do you listen to music while you create and if so what?)
I create best while listening to music in my studio with the door closed, so I can be in my own world. I also like listening to the Rachel Maddow show online while painting.

List (3) of your favorite artists:
This is so hard! There are so many. The ones who are inspiring me most these days are:
John Solimine (Spike Press)
Hilary WIlliams
If yours isn't, what would be your perfect studio?
I would love to have some more space and a lot of really great shelves. Other than that, mine gets the job done as it is. :)
Really great shelves. Other than that, mine gets the job done as it is. :)
Thanks Jessica!

1 comment:
I have really been enjoying your PHM Studio Spaces!It's so cool to see where other Etsians & Artists work, not to mention it's very inspiring! Thanks for that!
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