last guest blog day at d*sponge

it's been a whirlwind of a week guest blogging at design sponge (a HUGE thank you to grace for having me!). today grace posted my last four interviews from lisa congdon, bookhou, kate bingaman-burt and a shop tour of the regional assembly of text. click here to read the first two and here for the second.

Jan Halvarson


knack said...

Hey Jan, I absolutely love your guest posts over a D*s!! Of course I love and am inspired by all that you two do! Keep the good stuff coming!!:)

arounna said...

Hi Jan,
thanks so much for including us - I enjoyed reading and having a peek into all the different studios!

lisa solomon said...

thanks for a great week at d*.... and for including me in the studio lineup! :)

Unknown said...

oh dear i have alot of catching up to do. you have been busy!

mod*mom said...

yay for poppytalk + design*sponge!!!

loved your posts :)