my pinboard at dawanda


the folks at dawanda invited me to curate a pinboard of my favorite products/designers who have shops at their marketplace where you can buy and sell unique customized and handmade products. this was actually a fun excercise and i hope you'll enjoy my picks as much as i enjoyed picking them! as a bonus, if you purchase any of these hand-picked items by me they are offering a special gift package (while supplies last)! click here to see!

Jan Halvarson


Glassprimitif said...

Just a message to congratulate you on such a beautiful and well designed blog. I wish mine was as attractive! Glassprimitif

Marichelle said...

great picks Jan! Love that card by ordinarythinks.

Fiona Cartolina said...

Very cool - I love trolling around on dawanda.
( Oh and I need a "mood diary"!)

lisa solomon said...

love the scissor bag!!

cindy said...

i'm in love with that linen bag. i've bookmarked it before! :)