more come up to my room 2008 event!

mirrored frames installation by jade rude

magdalena from the gladstone hotel in toronto sent me her pics from the come up to my room 2008 event that happened over the past weekend in conjunction with that city's ids which i posted about last weekend. come up to my room is an alternative design show focusing on emerging and self-taught design talent using the 119 year old hotel as the setting. each designer gets to do an installation in different rooms/areas of the hotel. here's a few picture highlights from the show.

birds nest installation by db johnson

numbers and mobiles by dennis lin

lighting by heather nicol

vesna sontse installation from magic pony

the show was curated by pamila matharu and christina zeidler. you can view a slideshow of the event here.

{photo credits: magda o}

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

what a great idea! mushrooms all over a chair. . .or furniture for that matter. . .

Anonymous said...

jan - i love this post, those numbers are brilliant! (i seem to remember andrea's gorgeous colored numbers loving they way they looked on the wall, but all in gray? very chic too.)

glad you stopped by and commented today, i still can't get that topic out of my mind! :)

Kelly Lynn Jones said...

i love love that bird nest!

Anonymous said...

The mirrored frames installation is nice, but I think it needs some of my paintings in them to make it awesome! LOL

Enzie Shahmiri

AshleyL. said...

ooooh! i love those mirror frames on the wall! they are quite the touch! thank you for sharing! :)

orange you lucky! said...

Cool fungus on the chair! Very neat. My kids would have torn them right off and called it picking. Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

really creative - love the lights and the numbers

lisa solomon said...

i really love the mirrors....