door knob organizer

i so need this! a doorknob organizer. how many times have i squished a letter that needs to be mailed in between the wall and the light plate by the door so i don't forget to mail it? and where did i put my keys? milkpail out of olympia makes such nice ones!

Jan Halvarson


Lauren said...

I just stumbled upon this shop the other day...that organizer is a GREAT idea!

Homegrown {& the Bug} said...

Oh, that is organization heaven! That looks familiar - I wonder if it's similar to the one in Amy Butler's In Stitches?

Anonymous said...

i love this idea! i love anything with pockets for things.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more! such a great idea! Perhaps if I had one I would be able to find my cellphone ;)

lisa solomon said...

definitely smart!

Nichole said...

Oh my word...this is such an awesome idea! I LOVE IT!

Unknown said...

Is there a tutorial or pattern for this? It seems to be what I am looking for but I see no mention of how to make it... any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!