could there be anything sweeter than receiving this from the one you love? i say not. yay for three potato four for finding this 1969 olivetti valentine restored typewriter! eek!
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
How funny. I gave my boyfriend a typewriter last Valentines, it wasn't as nifty as this one but then again, this one doesn't really fit him.
this is such a delightful piece.
I have to say I like the way your blog looks now...
wow. that is super special
This typewriter is so nice.. I love that the red colour is so ehm, RED.
how lovely!
This would be the most wonderful gift for Valentine's day, especially for a writer- a heck or anyone that loves collecting.
Love it!
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