that very cool gallery sq ft gallery in downtown nashville has a new and final show on with one of my favorite artists, lisa solomon paired with aurora robson. collaborating across the country (aurora is in brooklyn, lisa in oakland) on color schemes and sizes, they each created a new body of work which compliments each other. aurora's pieces are junk mail collages and lisa focuses on representing something frightening and ugly as something beautiful, as she renders the chemical structures of harmful environmental toxins using doilies.
all of the work too is available online for viewing and purchase at www.sqftgallery.com/shop from january 7th to the 28th. they are offering free shipping on all pieces in this show as a farewell gift to their patrons. more information about the show at can be found at www.sqftgallery,com/shows.
I love how their work compliment one another, so beautiful!
aw... thanks for such a sweet mention!!!!
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