feb 7 - apr 6th 2008
the province celebrates british columbia's craft artists by selecting 93 artists representing ceramics, fibre, wood, metal, glass and mixed media for an exhibit exploring their creativity. the exhibition is organized in collaboration with the crafts association of b.c.. being held at the vancouver museum, 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6J 3J9. running february 7th to april 6th, 2008.
update: This dress is felted - it was made by Angelica Werth - Nelson BC - (thanks fiona!)
This dress is felted - it was made by Angelica Werth(she lives in my neighbourhood - Nelson BC)
It is quite marvelous to see it up close.
She is a super-talent. And I am in complete awe of her!
wow you guys are talented out there!
Wow. That dress is a knockout! I wouldn't even know where to start with that one. Bags are one thing; but dresses?! Terrific.
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