i'm really loving the idea of collecting lately, and everytime we're out and about, my eyes are open to picking up beautiful gifts from nature off the ground. usually it's acorns, pinecones and leaves. with that on my mind, i happened to just search on etsy using the keyword "collections" and came up with an amazing amount of pieces that i wouldn't mind collecting. i love the idea of having drawers and drawers of different collections i could pull out from time to time and go through or in some cases have displayed about on our walls. above three:
swedish matchboxes from abigail vintage
25 vintage game playing cards from itsybitsandpieces
vintage football matchboxes from abigail vintage

(above five):
vintage badges from retroplanet
florida gatropod/conch/auger shell collection from seaofshells
old glass bottles from the laughing parrot
vintage graphic designed matchboxes from abigail vintage
lisette from alpenhimmel
gogoabigail is awesome.
and those vintage playing cards are so rad!!!
great finds....
collecting is good. so good
I love collections, there's something pleasing about the organisation of similar groups of objects.
Thanks for the links to Abigail Vintage! I'm obessed with the concept of collecting (might even write a thesis on the dang topic) and love your idea about drawers of collections.
PS check out my blog for more on collecting and collections...
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