Call for Submissions - February Poppytalk Handmade Market (Easter & Spring Themed)

This is a "Call For Submissions" for February's Poppytalk Handmade Market! The theme for the February market will be a "Peeps & Hoppity-Pop! An Easter and Spring Market, (Submissions Deadline - Jan. 28/08)"! In order for buyers to be able to order Easter items online (it's early this year!) and get them on time, we decided to make February the month for all things springy!

We will be looking for beautiful screenprinted, gocco'd and letterpressed Easter cards & bunny/spring gift items such as art, ceramics, jewelry, journals, housewares, and

The market will run February 11 - March 8, 2008!

The deadline for submissions is January 28th, 2008 and we hope to have everyone advised about a week later. After that we will start collecting links and start uploading.

If you are interested, please send us an email with the subject "February PHM" at with your links to your products/site by January28th/08. There is a table fee of $60 (plus tax) to help with all things that hosting, marketing and administrating things like this. Click here for press clippings and here for testimonials.

Please read Call For Submissions from the October Market to get all the details about Poppytalk Handmade and how it works.

Jan Halvarson

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