eciad student art sale highlights (part three)

(correction) ceramics by Stana Chermakova

ceramic mugs - Marissa Olson (thank you for all you invaluable information!)

adornment designs by angela dawn (i purchased the bowl seen below)

maple syrup containers - (Quebec artist Marianne Chenard)

ceramic bowl - (Min Ah Yu)

Jan Halvarson


Susan Schwake said...

very cool jan! i love student work - and these are exceptional!

Kelly Lynn Jones said...

i love those maple syrup cute!

Chuck & Aline said...

hello again,
the top photo of the little ceramic pod things are actually work by Stana Chermakova. (Slip cast-very cool) The mugs are mine! (Marissa Olson) Glad you like them. The maple syrup bottles are the work by Quebec artist Marianne Chenard. (aka: our #1 source for grad A maple syrup from quebec). And lastly, the earthenware bowls are made by Min Ah Yu.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that, i didn't get a chance to go see the show, i live in Victoria and am an ECIAD alumni! Such great stuff!