things are better with a parrott

green chair press

creative thursday

cedar seven

modern printed matter (anna cote)

the sherwood press

wolfie and the sneak

papered together (sold out)

Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
I have already ordered two from Your list and I guess I´m lucky to have one from Paperedtogether :)
lovely :)
Oh thank you for these links! I've been thinking that I need to buy a nice, artsy calendar for 2008... :)
Great calendars! - I just have to add one because it's been one of our favorites for the past couple years - these are always beautiful...from Ilee...
i have to second the ilee mention - i already bought her 2008 calendar since i loved her 2007 calendar so much!
can't choose. can't choose
Too bad that the papered together calendar is already sold out. The others are lovely also!
thank you jan!!
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