moop specializes in handmade bags. their objective is to provide a supremely crafted bag made by hand and intended to last. they aim to change the way people dream about clothes by creating a model of high quality, modern, sweatshop free goods, that are simple and just a bit understated. they love the handmade life and are constantly looking for ways to debunk the idea that handmade=poorly made.
(on the blog) moopshop.blogspot.com
(in the etsy shop) moop.etsy.com
(on the website {still very new}) moopshop.com
(on trunkt) trunkt.org/moop
oh my goodness. love that market bag! definitely on my holiday wish list:)
Oh the market bags are so yummy! I am putting the brown one on my xmas list:)
thank you for this post, this is really a great find.
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