big type how i love thee

a new artist has joined the group at keep calm. his name is douglas wilson and he creates some really beautiful letterpress posters. they are working with him to produce some lovely prints at the moment which they are really excited about (me too). until then they have this wonderful poster by him available now titled 'big type how i love thee', a great phrase, lovely typography and it has a beautiful tactile quality as it is letterpressed.

Jan Halvarson


j.elliot said...

one starving musician came by to say: What a great blog! All the best.


Lisa said...

Love your blog, I'm a lurker. Just wanted to say congrats on being the "Blog of Note" today!!

Maxine Perella said...

my friend has two letter presses, prints some beautiful stuff. mighty ho, that be right.

VogueStrikeAPose said...

I love that picture! it's adorable.
love your blog.....its fantastic!

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

kicking.and.screaming said...

mmm.. i dint quite get it. wats ur entire blog abt?

tedlive said...

Cool blog and love the typo!! I'll be back again.


Anonymous said...

typography rules!

TheAnybody said...

Hey it's nice to see such cool stuff. My blog has better words, but I like your pics.

kittycult said...

completely beautiful

Anonymous said...

If you would like a better comment system, I highly recommend Intense Debate.

They can provide a great alternative to what Blogger offers.

If you are interested, contact josh at intensedebate dot com

Anonymous said...

I have a fantasy about starting a letterpress publishing house!

elasticity said...

I am officially in love with this blog.

Anonymous said...

How do you get so many people to comment?

Thanks, Graciegoober

Anonymous said...

Cute blog :-)

Carrie said...

I just discovered your blog and I really like it. If you like photography, check out mine.

Solitary Raven said...

I love your blog! I see you get that a lot!!! I posted your link on mine, so that everyone that reads mine could read yours too!!! Lovely! Mine is cross stitch and craft related... although I havent updated anything scrappy into it yet picture wise, only a few words .... :) great job!

Design for Money said...

Nice typographic poster, stylish typography :)

Design for Money
Luxury Yacht
The Best Cars

Marie Carré said...

ooI just discovered your blog and I was impressed how you personnalized your page, your presentation. I hope I can do that a day with mine, too.

Anonymous said...

spoko blog

Anonymous said...

Are you aware that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was given a warning that the World Trade Center towers were going to collapse? You can hear him state that someone told him that “the World Trade Center was going to collapse” to Peter Jennings of ABC News here . What makes this statement so controversial is that it is in direct contradiction with the official 9/11 story’s assertion that no one knew at the time that the towers would collapse. The implication here is that someone or some group had inside knowledge of the impending collapse of the towers. The insider(s) in question need(s) to be investigated as a matter of justice and a matter of clarity on the question of whether jihadists are the sole enemies of the U.S. in regards to terrorism. So please share this with others and press for the truth to be recognized and further pursued for the sake of our security and sanity.