blue flip art is a place to buy and sell affordable art and help charities. love this piece by eduardo recife called dream.
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
good art + good cause? good thinking
Thanks for the great lead! I can't wait to get involved.
love the bird block! thanks for the great art tip of the day,
Great link - love Eduardos collages and fonts! and when people use their talents to help others.
You blog is mentioned in the new issus of Boligliv - a danish interior magazine. I´ll take a photo if you like - it says something like! "A pages that just continues with fantastic pictures off all kinds of beautiful and creative ideas. You can´t help beeing inspired." and I agree :)
Here's Eduardo Recife's site http://misprintedtype.com/v3/(so cool!). Lots of great freeware fonts you can download too. LOVE his style!
sidsel - i would love a photo or scan of that - if you don't mind you can just email it to poppytalkblog@yahoo.ca
thanks! and thanks for visiting!
asd - thanks - eduardo recife is amazing and i love his fonts (one of my favorites!)
very inspiring and it made me smile really.............
i love it.........
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