wolfie & the sneak - sponsorship giveaway!

i'm thrilled to be able to offer poppy readers along with one of my favorite artists, wolfie & the sneak this beautiful print, towering barnacles as a sponsorship giveaway and poppyytalk's very first ever giveaway! red orange barnacles tower above a steely gray rock somewhere in the bottom of the sea. from a run of ten, this print is on archival paper with photo quality inks, printed on a canon s9000.

renee garner, the artist has sent this image of how it will be shipped, framed in a shadow box. estimated value of this giveaway is $30!

here's how it'll work. renee suggested we ask the readers to leave a comment here on a favorite blog, or a favorite crafter/designer (this should lead to some interesting places to visit)! the giveaway is effective from this post till friday, august 31st at 9pm. i will then print out the commenters names and draw from a hat. the winner will be announced over the weekend! if you don't have a blog and wish to participate, feel welcome to by leaving your name (full name will be required to avoid duplication). one entry per person. when the winner is published, you will have to contact me via email (poppytalkblog@yahoo.ca) for contact information. thanks renee and happy commenting!

wolfie & the sneak website

Jan Halvarson


Heather said...

My favorite blog to explore is called Oh Happy Day. The link for it is http://www.jordanferney.blogspot.com/ It's filled with wonderfully inspiring ideas! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

My favourite is Stephanie's blog (which she no longer posts to) at Little Birds Handmade.
She makes the most wonderful art and toys, and she is so wonderfully inspiring as well. I still read her archives and think her work is as fresh as ever.

Camilla said...

I can't pick just one i'm afraid!
Kirsty Hall has been doing a series of posts about being an artist online which are always full of great information:

I love the work of Screaming Lulu

And I find the posts from Anna Peach so inspiring they make me want to get up and live in a hut by the sea.

nydampress said...

Lately I enjoy checking up on "On My Desk" which gives a sneak peak into different artists workspaces.

Anonymous said...

The print reminds me of the inspirational work of this Canadian artist. Here is the link:


heidi said...

I am awed by the work of this guy:
I especially like the section on his banner called: "Things i saw this week"

jen j-m said...

okay, first off i have to say that the barnacle print is absolutely gorgeous!
i can't share just one blog, either. but here are some favorites:

i love shari's photography and nature finds a lot.

i adore kelly's eye for neutrals and mid century modern design.

maria's letterpress and photos and links inspire on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

I have quite a few favorites, but one that's slightly off the beaten path is SprayGlue, a blog from South Africa.


Anonymous said...

My fave blog is this one:


Stefan G. Bucher's Daily Monster blog. He does wonderful quirky work, has a great sense of humor and a store too. What more could you ask?

Anonymous said...

I have an ever-growing blog library, also -- there are so many interesting ones out there. This week, however, I recommend the New Orleans Metroblog http://neworleans.metblogs.com/
The contributors are no-holds-barred, frustrated, oft-hilarious New Orleanians, and are dealing with the mess that is their fine city the best way they can. Check it out, catch up on New Orleans, and don't forget it needs our help. Thank you poppytalk!

Julie @ Letter9 said...

I really like the work of Jessica Pilar.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading http://aussiepatches.typepad.com/
a lot lately and really enjoy reading about Ali's life and adventures as an artist. :)

etre-soi said...

beautiful print and cool contest :)
here are mine, enjoy
Anna Wolf
Claire Meriel
Jen Stark
Lisa Weiss
Abigail Percy
Treats and treasures
Teresa Sa

Anonymous said...

I just discovered that my wedding photographer (!) has an Etsy Shop...it is Modern Photographie, http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5210393- she not only is a great photographer but she has some very beautiful images, both captured and invented.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is easy for me! Patricia Zapata from A Little Hut is an absolutely amazing paper artist--and a fabulous mother to boot! Her talent with paper knows no bounds. :)


Jared Nagel said...

I'm always a fan of Pete Fowler and his site http://www.monsterism.net/

Caroline said...

My blog list is huge! I like http://shinysquirrel.typepad.com for fashion stuffs.

Morph This said...

Well since Poppy Talk is my newest find, right now it is my favorite! Another one that I love to read though is Jennies. I just ordered some invitations from her actually, and she makes the most beautiful blankets.


Ilsa Han said...

Drawings of disappearing gazelles, paper cutouts of a new species of bird, a perfect snail in crayon... I love being surprised and inspired by the work of 6 year old artist Hannah and her mom Mignon at their blog http://www.zand2ohs.com/fun/index.html

Anonymous said...

This is so great! I can't wait to cruise through all the blogs and designers people are listing.

One of my favorite blogs to pop in on is pinkshirtsandcarwrecks:

This is just one of many for me..... my blog list is ever-expanding.

Bridget said...

Well, I always check in with poppytalk, but also adore the Blueprint magazine blog "Bluelines," which may very well be where I found out about poppytalk.

As for something a bit more personal, I like to keep up with Some Girls Wander.

This was a great idea to share favorites!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say that my favourite blogs are the ones run by multitalented Elisabeth Dunker. She is a Swedish stylist, photographer, designer and illustrator, and she does all of these things sooo well! Her blogs are called fine little day (http://finelittleday.blogspot.com/)
and fine little thing (http://finelittlething.blogspot.com/), the first one being more about her private life and the things she sees around her there, and the other one about design and art by other people.

Rachel F said...

I have many favorite blogs- some come, some go. Right now I love alec soth - blog
photographica, miscellanea, etcetera
. Alec Soth is a very successful artist/photographer and he shares so much of his thought process through this blog. He also suggests many new photographers in his writings. There's an occasional bit of poetry too. It's not exactly design or crafts, but it's a window into creativity and I find it inspirational. Please take a look if you like art photography. Or any photography or are just interested Alec. I find it refreshing to see a successful artist keep up an honest blog.

Anonymous said...

i have two favorite blogs right now, the first one is Great Green Goods which blogs about recycled goods that you can buy. its a wonderful inspiration. the other is which has amazing knit and crochet patterns.

toronto craft alert said...

ooh, this is hard (to name just one).

a toronto fave is coe & waito: http://coeandwaito.com/

and the work of sanna annukka freaks me right out (with its awesomeness): http://www.sanna-annukka.com/shop/

april said...

I recently came across happysilly and I am just so smitten with it! It's written by illustrator, Sara Blohme. She can also be found at the multi-disciplinary art and design partnership, lula based out of Gothenburg Sweden. I find her observations on everyday life just so inspiring!
She is also looking for a little help producing some seriously amazing wallpaper!

lisa solomon said...

i'm really loving HIGH LOW:

love this give-a-way idea jan!

Maven said...

Here's the photostream of MarianneS, an Estonian fiber artist I stumbled upon on flickr. She does unbelievable things with yarn, and the photos are gorgeous.

And since you apparently can't buy anything from MarianneS, here are some commerce links: I love everything in birdnerd's etsy shop. Ditto for orno's.

Reader Of The Pack said...

What a pretty print!

I love to read Jen of Piddleloop's blog. She also sells awesome sewing and knitting goods on Etsy.

Jen said...

I love these two etsy shops: Nana Company for great handmade toys. and Madison Craft Studio, which has beautiful pendants.

cmay said...

I looove heather bailey's blog HELLOmynameisHeather:

she's just so cool!

Carla said...

Since I look at dozens each day, I can't pick just one, either! My favorite blogs are:




I check them daily for inspiration and beauty.

Anonymous said...

Marguerite Sauvage

This is a website with some really fun illustrations. I love the colors and figure work.

Anonymous said...

I just found belleandboo on etsy:


I love her vintage looking prints of her illustrations and she has some very cute buttons and tags.

lexi said...

Hopefully this suggestion doesn't have to be a crafty related blog.. but.. Cephalopodcast is the best: http://cephalopodcast.com/blog/


kate farrall said...

i love the barnacles!
my must see blog list includes:




...to check out Jennifer Fiore's beautiful photography.

Sarah said...

What a lovely print. It would be perfect in my office!

I am currently addicted to http://www.notmartha.org/ She is so crafty! If you have a chance, check out the rasterbator post. It's amazing. I'm making one of our old dog, Rex, to hang in our living room as a tribute to his cute-dom.

As for etsy, I'm tempted to buy up all of pdxbeanies hats and scarves for babies (and I don't have any children yet). I have three yumiyumi prints and I love them all. I love cards from orangebeautiful, annacote and 12fifteen.

Carpenters said...

Hi There! Great Giveaway! One of my favorite blogs is myhappylittlelife her blog site is kellymccaleb.typepad.com.

Jennifer said...

How delightful -- finding your blog (via wolfie) and this giveaway! I'm sharing http://www.printpattern.blogspot.com/
a heavenly buffet of design with a particular focus on paper (but she includes lots more)

Anonymous said...

what a pretty print! Oh no I have so many crafters blogs who I love to read some of my favs are :

Posie gets cozy
Kitty Genius
(Inside a black apple)

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway... and now we have even more sources for inspiration!
I love the idea of visual blogging, especially http://3191.visualblogging.com/
It's such a lovely way to start the day and makes me open my eyes and find beauty in unexpected places.

Anonymous said...

I'm chiming in late...I really enjoy finding out that people I know - either as friends or acquaintances - have a crafty side. For example, I love looking at the artistic creations of my husband's best friend's wife, Lauren, at http://lavatican.wordpress.com/. (I think you linked to her blog a week ago, and it was well-deserved.)

melanie said...

one of my faves is
for the painting of the day
kal barteski's blog
thanks for this and all the daily fun!!

Spray Glue said...

haha, thanks to Arran Jacobson for the SprayGlue Shout out. Much appreciated!!

Have to go with The Sartorialist...beats all other hands down.

Have a great day!
