my lala land

mylalaland (a photoblog) is the cool blog of the week this week and i've posted polaroids from her etsy shop, supercapacity before. i noticed alison had listed some new images she'd taken recently at her etsy shop, and since i'm such a polaroid fan, i couldn't resist a few more. since then i found out she's canadian as well and as i spent more time looking over her site, i realized what a beautiful photographer she really was. defintely worth a stop and lucky if you can nab one of her fabulous polaroids.
supercapacity etsy shop
her flickr stream
my urban dig blog

Jan Halvarson


andrea said...

I'm so extremely inspired by her work... so gorgeous. lovelovelove.

and speaking of things I love-- love your current banner! but then, I don't think you've had one banner that I DIDN'T like. :)

Alicia said...

these are so lovely.
nothing beats a good polaroid!

lisa solomon said...

ali is one of the best for sure!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Poppy :)
Just getting caught up on my blog reading for the week.