singing bird cage

so adorable! the singing bird cage over at one good bumblebee's shop. features a beautiful bamboo cage and a little tweet tweet birdie. Wind it up and listen to the music. $9.99.

Jan Halvarson


gusosos' land said...

I really love your blog! I visit it almost every morning. It is full of inspiration... If you like, you can visit mine at Congratulations!

Miss Syida said...

This is a nice blog

Fiona Cartolina said...

when I was a kid I used to watch an antique show in the UK called "Going For A Song" where contestents had to guess the value of antiques*
Anyway, the introduction to the show was 3 minutes of an identical little bird-in-a-cage to this one, and it sang it's wee heart out!

* I guess it was like a cross between "Antiques Roadshow" and "The Price is Right" - I guess thats how I got addicted to antiquing!

Joanna Goddard said...

so sweet! thanks, i'm glad i clicked over....

Anonymous said...

Woot! Thanks for posting about our singing bird cages. We love them too. They look so cute sitting on a pretty bookshelf! looove your blog. :)

Jan Halvarson said...

raquel - thanks for stopping by and commenting! cute blog and illustrations!

prinzcy - thanks!

cartolina - that sounds like quite a show! i can see the lure.

joanna - hope you got one!

katey! - thanks for stopping by and your kind words too!

lisa solomon said...

too cute! yikes!

Anonymous said...

I have the exact bird cage as was on the antiques road show start and would love to know more about it. It is in perfect working order.