a new look

poppytalk has been working in the background creating a new look to create a more cohesive and organized blog dedicated to collecting inspiration and supporting emerging design talent. we've made some main categories that seem to be a constant as of late and have added a couple new ones which are not quite ready yet, (but will be soon)! so just to explain a bit for those that may not be familiar here; (under the banner, buttons from left to right):

  1. etsy pick of the day - a daily pick (monday to friday) featuring handmade or vintage pieces from etsy.com
  2. the clock - pacific standard time (here in vancouver) oops! your local time
  3. affordable art guide - affordable art found anywhere and everywhere posted randomly and labeled to this page
  4. most wanted - coming soon! (will explain soon)
  5. the beautiful - anything found anywhere that i find beautiful, posted randomly and labeled to this page
  6. the decayed - anything from street art, faded signage, found ephemera, vintage etc., posted randomly and labeled here
  7. the handmade - anything handmade and probably beautiful
  8. the mine - coming soon! (and fun!)

thanks to all of you who visit, inspire and support poppytalk, it is so much appreciated!

Jan Halvarson


JB said...

is that clock right? i'm in utah, which is mountain daylight time and it's 12:41 am, which is what your clock shows for pacific. i get confused about time zones though, so i could be wrong...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for such a fantastic blog!

Jan Halvarson said...

dearpony - thanks!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful, what a great idea to keep them in organised categories. It's going to be fantastic, looking forward to new things!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some exciting new stuff is going here! Keep up the great work!

And about the clock, are you really sure that it shows pacific time? It shows 7:03 to me now, which is exactly the time here. PM that is. Is that right?

Jan Halvarson said...

yeah - it will show local time, our mistake

Anonymous said...

Awesome--love the upcoming updates, I can't wait to see them fully linked! I'll be sure to mention this on Cuteable whenever you're ready.

Susan Schwake said...

oh jan, you are so on the money.
great work!
love it all... susan

Anonymous said...

Good category idea. The blog is looking so great these days, with such frequent, cool updates. And you deserve all the notice you're receiving!

Jan Halvarson said...

sion - cuteable - such a cute blog!

susan - thanks for all your support!

rachel - thanks for stopping by and commenting and your kind words!

Anonymous said...

neat! i like this system of categories.


Miss Lo said...

Love your blog. You have an amazing talent to find beauty in everyday things. Art, design and craft without succumbing to trends.

Thanks for standing out in the crowd. Look forward to seeing what's next.

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks eirann and miss lo for stopping by and commenting too, it's nice to see who some of my visitors are!

Anonymous said...

exciting! your blog will be even more amazing than it already is! I can't wait to see everything.

arounna said...

so far so good - can't wait to see it come together.

etre-soi said...

Your blog is beautiful, the buttons super cute and the categories are a great idea :)
Thank you so much for all the support.

Anonymous said...

The new and improved poppytalk sounds very interesting. The categories bring out more focus. Looking forward to read it all!

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks for your support sarah, arounna, sofia and kim!

Anonymous said...

the "new look" looks great - looking forward to all the new extras :)