the modern day fables show at the tinlark gallery in l.a. has opened this week, and laura normandin posted a couple pictures of her pieces on her blog. i really love her work and especially this picture (above) as of part of the installation.

equally stunning is the stitchery/embroidery work of maggy hiltner (below) who is also part of the show that runs to august 11. i was lucky enough to scoop some images from her and love this approach to art, using craft.

ann wood, the third participant hand stitched appliques onto sails for ships. such beautiful work and detail.

oh lets go! lets go to that show!!
I love the first image..it's stunning!
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful stuff.
thanks for sharing - beautiful work, especially the first image.
Beautiful installation and lovely work.
I went to the opening of this show! It was fabulous! Not to mention, the owner of Tinlark, Cris is simply lovely!
Maggy Rozycki Hiltner is a fellow artist and friend of mine; it's always great to see her new work! Thank you for posting!
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