envirosax, july 4 + delight

i'm all about these envirosax. designed in australia, i've seen them in person and they are a great size, really really strong, lightweight, portable and totally waterproof. and now available through delight.com. you get five, to keep, to share. whatever the case all a good cause keeping those pesty plastics out of the plastic vortex!

and what also is cool is delight has a special offer right now. use code "july4" and receive free shipping on any purchase site wide through july 5th.

Jan Halvarson


girl meets glamour said...

Now these I will carry...I have a Trader's Joe's bag, but it only gets used when I'm there! Thanks for the info :)

Melissa said...

I have these in the retro graphic designs. Love them!! I actually used two today when I went to the grocery store. They hold so much, and the handles are the perfect size for tossing heavy weighted bags onto my shoulder.

Anonymous said...

These are awesome, I bought them a while ago and LOVE them.