thank you!

i just wanted to thank everyone who commented on my recent post about affordable art at domino. your support and kind comments mean alot to me. i was a little upset that domino chose not to credit the work that appeared previously on poppytalk but it felt good to know that you guys recognized the pieces from my etsy pick of the week. i always try to credit my sources, so hopefully in the future domino will keep us little guys in mind when they credit things.

Jan Halvarson


radian said...

I've enjoyed many of your Etsy suggestions in the past and am sorry that you found them clustered together on Domino - whether that was intentional on their part or not.

I just put your most recent Etsy selection, Shannon Tudyk, in a ThisNext list and quoted you, including a link to your website. I'm not super sure of the etiquette for this kind of thing, so I'm just muddling through. I hope that I'm doing this more or less right.

Your recent experience has me thinking more about attribution - so something good has come of this.

Núria said...

A very interesting blog :-)


Jessica Jones said...

Your blog is so inspiring and popular. Sorry to hear about the Domino thing, but you definitely have your own loyal fans who appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you stood up for yourelf on this one- rest assured that you weren't the only one who noticed the overlap.


Jan Halvarson said...

shannon - thanks for the link up
nuria - thanks for your kind comments
jess - cool of you, thanks
jackie - thanks it's reassuring to know

Unknown said...

It seems as if one your fellow bloggers was the culprit in swiping your list and claiming it as her own. You may already be aware but the lady from Decor8 is the ripe off artist.

As revealed in her "Aussie Patches on Etsy" post. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I just thought you should know.

I do love your finds and share your Etsy addiction! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

The Domino thing very well might have been just a coincidence. I own many of the pieces they (and you) wrote about. I hadn't seen your archived picks of the day, I'm just a print fiend and those are the best that have been up in the past 3 months.