poppy + delight.com

a HUGE thank you to tracey and the people at delight.com for including poppy in their e-newsletter today! such a surprise to be featured amongst some of my favorite indie-style blogs! it made my day! (cllick on image to read a close-up).

Jan Halvarson


mommy zabs said...

YAY FOR YOU! That is so wonderful! :) You desrve it!

design*sponge said...

congrats jan! well deserved :)


Jan Halvarson said...

thanks you guys!

nice said...

Hey there,
I'm starting an e-store and online community that sells fun and creative baby clothes and baby stuff. I need talented locals so I'm just sending a shout-out to all the people in the art community who may be interested in selling their merchandise on my website. If you know of any people that need a task, please send them my way.