Ecojot Journals in NY

Carolyn Gavin emailed me from Mirage Paper Co., a Canadian stationery design and manufacturing company to let Poppy reader's know they are introducing a new 100% recycled line called Ecojot at the New York Stationery Show May 20 - 23. As the green issue is so important right now, they wish to make a difference with this new, fun and colorful range of journals.

Ecojot, Show Booth #4127

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous patterns, i esecially like the one with the animals on the bottom pic!

And, they would fit right in with the "green" week at my blog this week, wich means that I only post about ecological design. It would be great if you would like to join in on that theme, as there is so much lovely sustainable design out there, just waiting to be found! We would have a huge bank of links and tips at the end of the week, and I will try to collect them all for a list on ecological products. Just drop me a comment on my blog if you'd like to join in, and I'll put a link up for your blog!

Jan Halvarson said...

great idea emma, i'm dropping by right now.