i took in the undergraduate exhibition this past weekend at eciad. i wasn't able to take in all 200 entries, but managed to see the ones in the main gallery. the exhibition runs until the 21st of this month so maybe i'll get by there again to view the ones i missed (hopefully).

these first pieces and the first showcase i saw that ended up blowing me away was from a student i recently wrote about, liz burritt. porcelain with underglaze drawings, named, tupila confundo. i only wish now that i took a picture of the group of them all lined up on the shelves as they were. that was part of the installation, but i was so overwhelmed with the details, i missed to take one of the big picture. so imagine, if you will, all of these pieces lined up on three wall shelves at about eye level.

beautiful pieces and so provacative. the above image was more 3 dimensional, this picture makes it look flat, and it wasn't, and really all of the images don't give the pieces justice. but it looked more like a vegetable or oceanic object cut in half and this was howit looked on the inside. i have a few more photos of other students works i will showcase during the week, as soon as i have a chance to get them written up. in the meantime, enjoy the rest of elizabeth's exhibit. and you can read my other post on elizabeth's work here.

incredible! i love these forms.
thanks for the beautiful images! I used to live in vancouver and loved going down to Granville Island to see the art, and since I've moved to montreal I miss it a lot.
I've only recently discovered your blog and I I've been enjoying all the inspiring images you post, so again, thank you.
i love the marking on the ceramic... really beautiful
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