new blogs

there have been several new blogs coming out as of late, and i've been meaning to link them up and make a mention of them, and so here's a list of some notable ones i've caught up with lately.

sew green - all about eco-related crafting by 14 seasoned bloggers
bookhou at home - bookhou design blogs
how about orange - fun d.i.y. ideas and design
love it alot - shopping blog
design muse - inspiration for graphic designers and other creative types.
book by it's cover - all about books and their covers
gold school - who just tagged me on a meme i think i can actually handle: to list 7 songs i'm listening to right now:

1. so nice (summer samba), bebel gilberto
2. stop breath'n, pavement
3. the story, brandi carlile
4. shelter two, the evens
5. trail of time, the knitters
6. lost in the supermarket, the clash
7. falling awake, gary jules

i'm going to tag the above new blogs, if you wish (no pressure).

(above picture taken on granville island, near eciad)

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

you should focus on canadian blogs too, Jan. you live on "wet coast" afterall.

Jan Halvarson said...

sandee...these mentioned blogs are the ones that introduced themselves by either leaving comments or emailing. i'm unfortunately unaware of any "new" blogs besides "bookhou at home from toronto (mentioned btw) that are completely canadian. (although some of the girls in the shopping blog, "love it alot" are canadian. if you are canadian, please introduce yourself if you wish to be mentioned, as it would be virtually impossible to investigate. i feel i make it a point to support local and canadian talent, so i'm a little confused by your comments.

lisa solomon said...

hi jan... ah how your music list strikes a chord w/ me....:) can i just steal yours....

{thanks for the sew green mention w/ BTW has a canadian faction!}

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,
I have a new blog too called Green Zebra that you may find interesting. I address letterpress, design (I'm a printer and a designer), art, etsy and Minneapolis on it. In any case, thanks for the work you do with poppy. I read it daily and have found it very inspiring for both the things you feature as well as the design of the site! Also, thanks for watching out for the "newbie" bloggers out there.

Jan Halvarson said...

lisa, i think that clash one is yours from the swap! and thanks for reminding me of sew's canadian member.

amy - thanks for introducing yourself, a letterpress, so jealous

Anonymous said...

sandee again here- thanks for the response, Jan. i appreciate your interest in canadian talent. I, too, love to see cdn bloggers.

i have been cruising around blogland as of late, and came across *Terramia* (design oriented from a talented woman in Victoria, with some "canadiana" content as she puts it), and her favorites directed me to Only One (browneyedjoy?) as well (yet another lady starting out in the design field with a vast and insatiable interest in anything decor related). just a couple for you to look at. i think they deserve a mention.
i will keep my blog eyes wide open for you as I love to discover new and exciting talent, particularly those with a passion for oh canada.
and i was going to mention om (now in t.o.), coe & waito blog, and "bookhou" as some of my preferred but you have already (i think).

thanks again, your blog is always a delightful read
-- Sandee
also on the wet coast (without a blog, but thinking about starting one!) :->

Jan Halvarson said...

sandee - thanks for the input. if you enjoy finding new talent, then perhaps you should start your own blog, then you can showcase anyone you wish!

Anonymous said...

Thank-you Sandee for those links! They are great blogs to look at.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! I think Sandee was simply trying to be pleasant and offer her suggestions. No need to be offensive and pretentious.

Jan Halvarson said...

sorry if i sounded pretentious sandee, by the looks of it you have a few friends here : ). funny how words can sound so off when they don't mean to. i was actually being sincere and was going to write a post about these new/older blogs that you suggested as they are good. and when you do get a blog, let me know! have a great day!