hoser cozies

the canadian design resource is always a fun place to visit and when i saw these hoser cozies, by anneke van bommel i had to include them in my canadian links. (as an aside, i have finally gone through most of my posts and tagged/labeled them, so you can now click under "categories" on my sidebar for things that interest you. (e.g. canadian, felt, fonts, etc.) go crazy!)

as stated at the canadian design resource site, "these pieces playfully reflect the nostalgia and mythology of the canadian experience, using icons and materials to illustrate the shared and somewhat skewed narratives of canadiana. a graduate of nscad, and former resident in the craft studio at harbourfront centre in toronto, anneke lives and works in toronto."

Jan Halvarson


mommy zabs said...

First these are totally adorable. also i wanted to tell you i just love the way your site has been looking. i love the way the pictures you are posting float and the little decorative lines you have between things.

AND congrats on finishing your tags, i keep telling myself I'm going to get to doing that! I know when you have been on as long as we have it can take awhile! So big Congrats! :)

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks Elizabeth for noticing! all these little things, so much work, it's like spending a whole day making a special dinner and we eat it up in 10 minutes....