etsy pick of the day photo tips

dear talented etsy people!

a few tips to help being chosen for the "etsy pick of the day" if that is what you wish. your photo's are so important. so if you can take pictures in natural light with no flash, things look so better that way. another thought is your background. items look really good against grass, wood or something that will contrast with your item really well and is attractive.

also if you have artwork, photographs or papergoods, it's best to scan the images in vs. taking a picture (or both is even better).

placing an item in a setting/scene really helps too and makes it more interesting for buyers along with a close-up of the item.

when saving your pictures to upload or email or to post up on your blog, it's best to (if you are using photoshop), to select the save to web option and then choose the .jpg option and select medium under the preset section. this will reduce the size of your photo file immensely and make it appear faster on your page as well as not take up so much space. if you don't have photoshop, then changing your image size resolution to 72 pixels per inch will also help.

for other tips on product photography, you can read a tutorial by posie gets cozy. really good tips to read there.

Jan Halvarson


lisa solomon said...

very very helpful...

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful informative post Poppy, I agree with everything you mentioned.

nicole lecht said...

yes this is great! for i just posted some "pre-launch" books on etsy for the first time, this helps a ton!

Heather Moore said...

Thanks so much for the advice. I'll definitely put it into practise.