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Hey friends and happy weekend! Hope your start to December is going well. Just popping in here on the old blog to catch up with any follower...
By Lyndsay of Coco Cake These rascal-ish cookies are very simple to prepare and holiday-ish in flavour - peppermint = holiday, right...
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Guest Contributor Post by Heather Smith Jones of Blue Sparrow Press . Welcome to a new column at Poppytalk called Sharing the Process . ...
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I love pomegranates and have them in my garden here in Marrakesh. I like to fill turquoise bowls with them --so pretty. So happy to know that they are inspiring a trend:-)
I love the fruit collection, they are so lovely. You are so lucky Maryam :)
pomegranates are just such a great shape... i got a gold dipped one for x-mas -- it's dreamy!
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I love the pomegranates. Am I the only one who finds them sexy?
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