that's amore!

i'm always a sucker for a look that reminds me of those dean martin show sets you see on those infomercials. i love watching those, the idea of an elevator that arrives into your high rise space age bachelor pad and the pole you slide down from the second floor along with the buttoned leather upholstered furniture. and that's what this image here reminds me of. the baroque frame decals seem to pull that feel together. these ones from

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. It certainly is.

Anonymous said...

I have a mirror similar to those decals. They would look awesome around my mirror (see my name for pic)...pricey though.

Anonymous said...

that didn't work...

Anonymous said...

I like it very much, thanks for the tip!

lisa solomon said...

i am VERY into frames right now.... very very very